Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Before and After Photoshop Edit

I took a picture if this hallway and edited it.
First I straightened the photo using the ruler tool. Then I used the Hue/Saturation and lowered the saturation to -76. After that I changed the mode to Lab Color and adjusted the black and white curves under the adjustments tab. Then I copied the background layer and added a lens blur. Then I added a layer mask to "Background Copy" and I took the brush tool and masked the center of the image to mark the focal point of the image. Then I created a new layer and filled it with black, then set that to 70% opacity and used the elliptical marquee tool (with feather set to 200px) and erased the center of that layer so that the black would be around the edges of the photo. Then I flattened the image and added noise (about 10% I think). And finally I adjusted the Color Balance by shifting the sliders towards cyan and blue.

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